Lake of Fire
2022 · Movie · min. · United States
This story follows the lives of two teenagers from the Midwest, Max and Maggie, the town misfits. Physically and socially they are total opposites. Maggie is a gifted high school runner from a dysfunctional family (mother is suicidal and father is a drunk) and Max is a shy boy with a clubfoot who hails from one of the town's most respected families (father is the pastor of the local church). In spite of their differences and perhaps because of them, the two outcasts grow to become best friends, and all through school they help each other over the rough spots and lend a shoulder to cry on when needed.
Direction Raj Thiruselvan
Cast Christopher Atkins · Kandra King
Soundtrack Qutub E. Kripa · K.M. Conservatory of Music · Sachin Shankor Mannath · Jerry Silvester Vincent
Screenplay Amedeo Talerico
Cinematography Luis Flores Jr. · Nathaniel Haban · Adrian Sierkowski
Original title Lake of Fire
Not rated (FilmAffinity)
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