Don't Look Now (1973)

1973 · Movie · 110 min. · United Kingdom

Architect John Baxter is moments too late to save his daughter Christine as she accidentally drowns in a stream on his English country estate. Afterwards, John takes up a restoration job on a cathedral in Venice so that he and his wife Laura can get over their grief. But there he is haunted by strange visions and in the streets sees an elusive child in a red coat that he thinks may be Christine. Laura meets two sisters, one of whom is a psychic and talks of seeing Christine. Laura returns to England but then John is certain that he sees her and the sisters travelling in a barge on the canals. Finally he pursues the child, cornering it, but it proves instead to be a dwarf serial killer who has been terrorizing the city, and stabs him. As he lies dying, his visions prove to have been of his own death.

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