The Troublesome Step-Daughters (S) (1912)

1912 · Movie · 14 min. · United States

The Troublesome Step-Daughters (S) (1912)

Mr. Burton, a prominent citizen, blessed with five young motherless daughters, is appointed Consul to China. On his departure they present him with a photograph of themselves in a group. He treasures the picture as his dearest possession. After five year's absence in the Far East, he meets a fascinating widow. He tells her of his charming little girls at home, forgetting that five years' absence has made some difference in their ages and that they are fast approaching womanhood. She immediately becomes interested. Mr. Burton marries the widow and at the end of his term of office, six years, the newly married couple return to America, anxious to meet their little ones at home. The girls are shocked and antagonistic when, they hear that they are to have a step-mother, and determine to show her that they are beyond her espionage and will brook no foreign interference. Mr. and Mrs. Burton purchase all sorts of childish toys for them as souvenirs from abroad, hoping they will amuse them in...

Where to watch The Troublesome Step-Daughters (S) (1912)?

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Unfortunately, The Troublesome Step-Daughters (S) (1912) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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