Family Resemblances (1996)

1996 · Movie · 110 min. · France

A family gathers in a tavern, ostensibly to celebrate a birthday, but poking each other's sore spots turns out to be the main order of business. Henri runs a saloon that he inherited from his father called "The Sleepy Dad," and in the near-empty bar, he plays host to several members of the family as they mark the 35th birthday of his sister-in-law, Yolande. Henri's sister, Betty, is 30, single, and not very happy about it; his brother (and Yolande's husband), Phillipe, runs a growing software company; Mother is the siblings' strong-willed matriarch. Henri's bartender Denis is the one neutral party on hand, and he provides the voice of reason in the midst of the bickering. In one evening and during one meal, family history, tensions, collective and separate grudges, delights, and memories both clash and coalesce.

Direction Cédric Klapisch

Cast Jean-Pierre Bacri · Jean-Pierre Darroussin · Catherine Frot · Wladimir Yordanoff · Claire Maurier · Agnès Jaoui

Soundtrack Philippe Eidel

Screenplay Agnès Jaoui · Jean-Pierre Bacri · Cédric Klapisch

Cinematography Benoît Delhomme

Original title Un air de famille (Family Resemblances)

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