The Adopted (2011)

2011 · Movie · 100 min. · France

Set in Lyon, the film follows the fortunes of a matriarchal family unit: Millie (Célarié) the hard boozing mother; her whimsical, hesitant adopted daughter Marine (Denarnaud); and her biological, cynical daughter Lisa (played by Laurent herself). Lisa has a young son Leo (Maquet-Foucher), whose father is long since gone and the women have little time for the company of men until Alex (Ménochet) walks into the bookshop where Marine works and a romance blossoms...

Direction Mélanie Laurent

Cast Mélanie Laurent · Marie Denarnaud · Denis Menochet · Clémentine Célarié · Théodore Maquet-Foucher · Audrey Lamy · Morgan Perez

Soundtrack Jonathan Morali

Screenplay Mélanie Laurent

Cinematography Arnaud Potier

Original title Les adoptés (The Adopted)

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