Charmed (TV Series) (1998)

1998 · Series · 42 min. · United States

TV Series (1998-2006). 8 Seasons. 178 Episodes. Prue, Piper, & Phoebe are all sisters who each have a problem in life. Prue works at Bucklands as an auctioneer and must convince her hard-to-please boss that she's good for the job, Piper, a chef, is in about the same situation as Prue, & Phoebe just can't keep a job. One day, when all the sisters were reunited, Phoebe starts playing with the ouigi board their mother gave the girls when it mysteriously starts to spell the word "attic". With curiosity, Phoebe goes up to the attic where she finds a mysterious book in a glowing chest. In the book labeled "The Book of Shadows", Phoebe reads a spell that the sisters eventually find out releases their powers as witches that was inherited by their ancestor. With Prue having the power to telekinetically move objects, Piper having the power to freeze time, & Phoebe having the power to see the future, they use it to fight evil beings. And as the show progresses, so does their powers.

Where to watch Charmed (TV Series) (1998)?

If you are wondering where to watch Charmed (TV Series) (1998), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Charmed (TV Series) (1998) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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