Check and Mate (La regina degli scacchi) (2001)

2001 · Movie · 98 min. · Italy

Check and Mate (La regina degli scacchi) (2001)

Maria Adele (Barbora Bobulova), a 17-year-old champion, soon learns that life, like chess, requires strategy for survival. Maria is a 17-year-old chess prodigy who is tormented by terrible nightmares. Although she knows these nightmares are somehow connected to her childhood, she remembers nothing of their cause, which remains buried in the past. One day she finds a letter which makes her suspect that she is adopted. This throws her into turmoil and she sets out to find her natural mother. With the help of Emilio (Ettore Bassi), a young reporter who befriends her, she sets out to find her birth mother and the key to her past.

Direction Claudia Florio

Cast Barbora Bobulova · Toni Bertorelli · Ettore Bassi · Massimo De Rossi · Felice Andreasi · Valeria D'Obici

Soundtrack Luis Bacalov

Screenplay Claudia Florio

Cinematography Luciano Tovoli

Original title La regina degli scacchi

Where to watch Check and Mate (La regina degli scacchi) (2001)?

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