Benjamin: The Diary of an Innocent Young Boy (1968)

1968 · Movie · 90 min. · France

Benjamin: The Diary of an Innocent Young Boy (1968)

A callow teenager of the 18th century, Benjamin spends a summer with his worldly relatives on their summer estate. An orphan girl (Catherine Deneuve) living on a neighboring estate, inaugurates an affair with Benjamin. In true La Ronde fashion, the girl then sleeps with a landed-gentry (Michel Piccoli), who sleeps with a countess (Michelle Morgan), who ends up in the sack with her nephew Benjamin.

Direction Michel Deville

Cast Michèle Morgan · Michel Piccoli · Pierre Clémenti · Catherine Deneuve · Francine Bergé · Anna Gael

Screenplay Nina Companeez · Michel Deville

Cinematography Ghislain Cloquet

Original title Benjamin ou Les mémoires d'un puceau

Also known as The Diary of an Innocent Boy

Where to watch Benjamin: The Diary of an Innocent Young Boy (1968)?

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Unfortunately, Benjamin: The Diary of an Innocent Young Boy (1968) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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