Life on Liberty Street (TV) (2004)

2004 · Movie · 89 min. · United States

Life on Liberty Street (TV) (2004)

Faced with physical, mental and emotional challenges, a disenchanted nurse and developmentally disabled young man discover the healing power of love. Annabeth Gish and Ethan Embry star in this heartwarming tale of love and forgiveness. After quitting a hospital nursing job over an injustice divorc e Denise (Gish) reluctantly takes a temporary one at a rehabilitation facility for patients with brain injuries. In helping their newest resident Rick (Embry) a 25-year-old man who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident in high school she learns that sometimes the patient can heal the healer and begins to start her own life over again. Ed Begley Jr. stars as Rick s overprotective father who clashes with Denise repeatedly as she tries to help Rick gain his independence. All the while Denise finds herself attracted to the center s single and handsome doctor but does her best to keep from falling in love. It s the story of Life on Liberty Street where anything is possible.

Direction David S. Cass Sr.

Cast Annabeth Gish · Ethan Embry · Wendy Phillips · Ed Begley Jr. · Brett Cullen · Galvin Chapman · Robert Costanzo · Silas Weir Mitchell · Stacey Martino · Brandy Howard

Soundtrack James Dooley

Screenplay Deborah Jones

Cinematography Maximo Munzi

Original title Life on Liberty Street (TV)

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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