Song Sung Blue (2008)

2008 · Documentary · 87 min. · United States

Song Sung Blue (2008)

SONG SUNG BLUE is a documentary feature film that tells the alternately inspiring and tragic love story of Lightning & Thunder, a homegrown Milwaukee husband and wife singing duo who pay tribute to the music of Neil Diamond. Filmmaker Greg Kohs goes backstage into the personal lives with this brave couple - from their humble beginnings over 20 years ago to the threshold of fame, from disaster to rebirth through to the most dramatic chapters in the lives of these authentic American dreamers. SONG SUNG BLUE is about the uniquely American ability to invent one's self and strive for a seemingly impossible goal. It’s about fleeting celebrity and love and about a couple who manages to maintain their passion for one another amid the vicissitudes of life. SONG SUNG BLUE… Everybody knows one.

Direction Greg Kohs

Cast Mike Sardina · Claire Sardina · Rachel Cartwright · Dana Cartwright · Dave Watson · Mark Shurilla · Angelina Sardina · Eddie Vedder

Soundtrack Tony Dekker

Screenplay Greg Kohs

Cinematography Jimmy Sammarco

Original title Song Sung Blue

Where to watch Song Sung Blue (2008)?

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Unfortunately, Song Sung Blue (2008) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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