So Near, Yet So Far (S) (1912)
1912 · Movie · 17 min. · United States

Synopsis of So Near, Yet So Far (S) (1912)
A very pretty girl, is always surrounded by many male admirers, much to the dismay of one very shy fellow, who never can get a chance to speak with her. One day the girl visits a friend in another town and by coincidence the shy fellow is staying at the same house. Next morning the girl's friend must leave her to run an errand. The girl hears a strange noise coming from one of the rooms. Not knowing the shy fellow is there, she locks the door of his room. Meanwhile, two burglars have broken in and seize the screaming girl. Hearing her scream and unable to break down the locked door, the young fellow climbs out of the window. He races into the room and scares the burglars, who make their escape. The girl, now being in such an hysterical state, does not recognize the shy fellow. She runs screaming from the house with the fellow after her. Finally his identity is revealed, and the very surprised grateful girl, shakes the hand of the now happy hero.
Direction D.W. Griffith
Cast Walter Miller · Mary Pickford · L.M. Wells · Robert Harron
Screenplay George Hennessy
Cinematography G.W. Bitzer
Original title So Near, Yet So Far (S)
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