Tidy Up (S) (2011)

2011 · Movie · 15 min. · Japan

Tidy Up (S) (2011)

Today is a very special day for a young Japanese man, Akira, as the opportunity he's been waiting for since his childhood has finally arrived. He can clear up the house that his deceased mother turned into a hoarder's paradise. With the professional junk removers he hired and a friend to record every single step on a video camera, Akira seems to have everything taken care of. However, as they go into the house they encountered the expected huge piles of garbage, and something unexpected. It is his elder sister Moe, who's willingly moved to back in the house to carry on the legacy of hoarding. Will he be able to persuade his sister to put an end to their family saga?

Direction Satsuki Okawa

Cast Misa Shimizu · Kan Takashima · Ryuji Miyanari · Yukihiro Yoshimi · Shodai Arakaki · Risa Masuda

Soundtrack Phil Hernandez · Chris Maxwell

Screenplay Satsuki Okawa

Cinematography Shiro Chiba

Original title Tidy Up (S)

Where to watch Tidy Up (S) (2011)?

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