Laboratorio teatrale di Luca Ronconi (TV)

1977 · Documentary · 77 min. · Italy

Laboratorio teatrale di Luca Ronconi (TV)

Documentary realized by Hungarian director Miklós Jancsó for Italian television in 1977 about the staging of Pier Paolo Pasolini's Calderon by the Laborario Teatrale di Prato, directed by Luca Ronconi. For Jancsó it's an occasion to explore Pasolini's universe. From a gigantic footboard which incorporates the audience and the stage where actors move, spectators watch from the platforms, while an enormos portrait of Pasolini, as an imaginary viewer, overhangs among the action. Gae Aulenti is the production designer, inspired by Velazquez's famous painting Las Meninas.

Original title Laboratorio teatrale di Luca Ronconi (TV)

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