10+4 (Dah Be Alaveh Chahar) (2007)
2007 · Movie · 77 min. · Iran

Synopsis of 10+4 (Dah Be Alaveh Chahar) (2007)
In this sequel to Abbas Kiarostami’s Ten (2002), Mania Akbari, the leading actress of the film, again drives a car and talks to her son, her sister and other people. Her situation in this sequel differs because she is suffering from cancer. As the disease progresses she’s unable to drive. So she sits in the back of the car and the conversation continues. She becomes weaker through her illness and, unlike Ten, the camera for 10 + 4 has to follow her wherever she goes. This is a totally new experience in which the director is directed by her cancer throughout the process of making the film.
Direction Mania Akbari
Cast Mania Akbari · Amin Maher · Behnaz Jaffari · Roya Arabshahi · Mina Hamidi · Maedeh Tahmasebi
Screenplay Mania Akbari
Cinematography Mania Akbari · Touraj Aslani · Faraj Heidari · Koohyar Kalari
Original title 10+4 (Dah Be Alaveh Chahar)
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