Heroine of Hell (TV) (1996)

1996 · Movie · 87 min. · United States

Heroine of Hell (TV) (1996)

Catherine Keener stars in this made-for-TV drama as Magda, an artist who has strong ideas about the notion of retribution and personal justice against those who have hurt other people emotionally. After Magda is unceremoniously dumped by her boyfriend for another woman, she takes off in his car and heads North, going nowhere in particular. After seeing a man die in a fiery car accident, Magda begins using images of the fiery pits of Hades in her paintings, as she struggles to find answers to her emotional turmoil in art. However, the longer Magda is obsessed with seeing her ex suffer as she has, the more she feels the need to express herself in more than just paint and canvas. Heroine of Hell also features Dermot Mulroney, Wendy Phillips, and Karen Gordon. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi

Direction Nietzchka Keene

Cast Catherine Keener · Wendy Phillips · Karen-Eileen Gordon · Dermot Mulroney · Tom Nowicki

Soundtrack Steve Gregoropoulos

Screenplay Nietzchka Keene

Cinematography Randolph Sellars

Original title Heroine of Hell (TV)

Where to watch Heroine of Hell (TV) (1996)?

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Unfortunately, Heroine of Hell (TV) (1996) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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