Tale of Cinema (2005)

2005 · Movie · 89 min. · South Korea

In Seoul, the paths of two men and one woman intersect and move apart from one another, centering around their love for cinema. A suicidal student meets a young woman who decides to follow him in his fatal gesture. Coming out of a cinema, Tongsu, an unsuccessful filmmaker, spots a beautiful young woman, and recognizes her : she is the main actress in the film he has just seen. The life of this wavering and distressed young man strangely echoes the one of the young man from the beginning...

Direction Hong Sang-soo

Cast Kim Myeong-su · Kim Sang-Kyung · Seong-Yong Kye · Lee Ki-woo · Uhm Ji-won

Soundtrack Jeong Yong-jin

Screenplay Hong Sang-soo

Cinematography Kim Hyeong-gyu · Young-rho Kim

Original title Geuk jang jeon (Tale of Cinema)

Where to watch Tale of Cinema (2005)?

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