Red Hot Riding Hood (S) (1943)

1943 · Movie · 7 min. · United States

Red Hot Riding Hood is an animated cartoon short subject, directed by Tex Avery and released on May 8, 1943 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. In 1994 it was voted #7 of The 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field. It is one of Avery's most popular cartoons, inspiring several of his own "sequel" shorts as well as influencing other cartoons and feature films for years afterward. The story begins with the standard version of Little Red Riding Hood (with the wolf from Dumb-Hounded, the cartoon which saw the debut of Avery's Droopy) until the characters suddenly rebel at this done-to-death staging and demand a fresh approach. The annoyed narrator accedes to their demands and starts the story again in a dramatically different arrangement. Now the story is set in a contemporary urban setting, where Red is a sexy adult nightclub entertainer. The Wolf is a debonair skirt chaser who is in love with Red but she wants nothing to do with him. Red escapes the Wolf, saying she's going to her Grandma's house, but when the Wolf arrives Red is nowhere to be found. Grandma is an oversexed man-chaser who falls head over heels for the Wolf. Upon seeing him she whistles and says, "At last a wolf! Yahoo!" The Wolf tries to escape but Grandma blocks the exit and asks him, "What's your hurry hairy?" She locks the door, drops the key down the front of her evening gown, and poses provocatively for him. Soon after Grandma puts on a bright red shade of lipstick and tries to kiss the Wolf several times during his stay. He tries to escape but the lovelorn granny chases after him. Every door the Wolf opens Grandma is there waiting with puckered lips. He finally makes his escape by jumping out a window, severely injuring himself in the process. As this is a Tex Avery cartoon he immediately recovers, and makes his way back to the nightclub. There, the Wolf says, "I'm fed up with women. They're nothing but trouble. If I catch myself looking at another babe, I'll kill myself." Immediately after this, Red takes the stage and begins another performance. He pulls out two guns and commits suicide, but his ghost rises from his dead body and howls and whistles at her like he did earlier.

Direction Tex Avery

Soundtrack Scott Bradley

Screenplay Tex Avery

Original title Red Hot Riding Hood (S)

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