Wedding in Galilee (1987)

1987 · Movie · 100 min. · Palestine

A Palestinian seeks Israeli permission to waive curfew to give his son a fine wedding. The military governor's condition is that he and his officers attend. The groom berates his father for agreeing. Women ritually prepare the bride; men prepare the groom. Guests gather. The Arab youths plot violence. One Israeli officer swoons in the heat and Arab women take her into the cool house. A thoroughbred gets loose and runs to a mined field; soldiers and Arabs must cooperate to rescue it. As darkness falls, tensions between army and villagers rise, and the groom's wedding-night anger and impotence threaten family dignity and honor. Can cool heads prevail?

Direction Michel Khleifi

Cast Mohamad Ali El Akili · Bushra Karaman · Makram Khoury · Yussuf Abu-Warda · Anna Condo · Nazih Akleh

Soundtrack Jean-Marie Sénia

Screenplay Michel Khleifi

Cinematography Walther Van Den Ende

Original title Urs al-jalil (Noce en Galilée)

Where to watch Wedding in Galilee (1987)?

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