Belvedere (2010)
2010 · Movie · 90 min. · Bosnia and Herzegovina

Synopsis of Belvedere (2010)
The film deals with the tragedy of the women survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, or rather, the consequences of the horrors they experienced - it is about women whose sole purpose in life is to locate the bones of their loved ones and give them a decent burial. Fifteen years later, they still want just one simple thing - the truth. As a contrast, the film deals with trivialities of modern living, obsessed with different reality shows...
Direction Ahmed Imamovic
Cast Sadzida Setic · Nermin Tulic · Emina Muftic · Armin Rizvanovic · Adis Omerovic
Soundtrack Leonardo Saric · Nedim Zlatar
Screenplay Ahmed Imamovic · Aida Pilav
Cinematography Darko Drinovac
Original title Belvedere
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