Gran Torino (2008)

2008 · Movie · 119 min. · United States

Synopsis of Gran Torino (2008)

Recently widowed, retired auto worker Walt Kowalski fills his days with home repair, beer and monthly trips to the barber. The people he once called his neighbors have all moved or passed away, replaced by Hmong immigrants, from Southeast Asia, he despises. Resentful of virtually everything he sees--Walt is just waiting out the rest of his life. Until the night someone tries to steal his `72 Gran Torino. The Gran Torino brings his shy teenaged neighbor Thao into his life when Hmong gangbangers pressure the boy into trying to steal it. But Walt stands in the way of both the heist and the gang, making him the reluctant hero of the neighborhood--especially to Thao's mother and older sister, Sue, who insist that Thao work for Walt as a way to make amends. Though he initially wants nothing to do with these people, Walt eventually gives in and puts the boy to work fixing up the neighborhood, setting into motion an unlikely friendship that will change both their lives.

Where to watch Gran Torino (2008)? Streaming, buy, and rent

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We couldn’t find Gran Torino (2008) on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm. Remember that with LiberFilm, you can explore the catalogs of Prime Video, Apple TV+, Disney+, Max and Netflix.

Is Gran Torino (2008) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

Many users search for whether Gran Torino (2008) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.

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