Bert & Dickie (Going for Gold - The '48 Games) (TV) (2012)

2012 · Movie · 89 min. · United Kingdom

Bert & Dickie (Going for Gold - The '48 Games) (TV) (2012)

In 1948, just three years after the end of the Second World War, London is half-destroyed. But, determined not to “let the Games die”, the British Olympic Committee convinces Prime Minister that the Olympics could help bring the country back together. Thrown together just five weeks before the final of the 1948 London Olympics, Bert Bushnell and Dickie Burnell not only pushed physical and emotional limits, but also rose above distinctions of birth and class to become Olympic gold medallists.

Direction David Blair

Cast Matt Smith · Sam Hoare · James Frain · Geoffrey Palmer · Douglas Hodge · Anastasia Hille · Sara Vickers · Alexandra Moen · John Bird · Adrian Lukis · Clive Merrison · Ron Cook

Soundtrack Robert Lane

Screenplay Billy Ivory

Cinematography Kieran McGuigan

Original title Bert & Dickie (TV)

Where to watch Bert & Dickie (Going for Gold - The '48 Games) (TV) (2012)?

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Unfortunately, Bert & Dickie (Going for Gold - The '48 Games) (TV) (2012) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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