Thomas (TV) (2008)

2008 · Movie · 70 min. · Finland

Thomas, in the autumn of his life, lives a simple and isolated life in his below-street-level apartment, accompanied by a radio, a chess board, and a photo of his wife. He does not venture outside very often; and when he does, the outside world reminds him of his advanced age, his loneliness, and times he would not care to remember. He feels like a never-ending story; and to make himself whole, Thomas has to face his past. "I am old, and life is long". First work of Miika Soini, "Thomas" is a movie about compassion, forgiveness, and atonement.

Direction Miika Soini

Cast Lasse Pöysti · Pentti Siimes · Eila Halonen · Marja-Leena Kouki · Aarre Karén

Soundtrack Lasse Enersen

Screenplay Miika Soini · Kjell Askildsen

Cinematography Daniel Lindholm

Original title Thomas (TV)

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