Life Begins Tomorrow (1933)

1933 · Movie · 89 min. · Germany

Life Begins Tomorrow

Synopsis of Life Begins Tomorrow (1933)

Morgen Beginnt Leben (Life Begins Tomorrow) begins with an ending, as Erich Hausmann is released from jail. Having served five years for killing a man who insulted his wife (Hilde von Stoltz), Hausmann is shocked to discover that his spouse is not waiting for him at the prison gates. Certain he's been betrayed, he has no way of knowing that Von Stoltz simply missed her train. Husband and wife spend the rest of the film looking for each other, an experience fraught with near-misses, mounting frustrations and jealousies, and not a few surprises. The film's stream-of-consciousness narrative reminded some reviewers of Rene Clair's early talkies.

Direction Werner Hochbaum

Cast Erich Haußmann · Hilde Von Stolz · Harry Frank · Alfred Beierle · Eta Klingenberg · Gustav Püttjer · Edith Schollwer · Walter von Lennep · Arthur Wilke

Soundtrack Hansom Milde-Meißner

Screenplay Carl Behr

Cinematography Herbert Körner

Original title Morgen beginnt das Leben (Life Begins Tomorrow)

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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