Homunculus (1916)

1916 · Movie · 360 min. · Germany

Homunculus (1916)

A scientist creates a living creature called a Homunculus (a Latin word which means little man) in a laboratory, and the creature strives to find love. When it discovers it is unable to feel emotions, it goes on a rampage and starts creating havoc in a nearby German village. Although it looks human, it is a soulless being. The scientist hunts down the creature in an attempt to destroy his creation, but the Homunculus keeps with his plans around the globe. (Source: wikipedia)

Direction Otto Rippert

Cast Olaf Fønss · Ernst Ludwig · Albert Paul · Lore Rückert · Max Ruhbeck · Lia Borré · Maria Immhofen · Robert Reinert Jr.

Screenplay Robert Reinert

Cinematography Carl Hoffmann

Original title Homunculus

Where to watch Homunculus (1916)?

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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