Life, Death & Rebirth (Vida, muerte y renacer) (2015)

2015 · Movie · 120 min. · United States

Life, Death & Rebirth (Vida, muerte y renacer) (2015)

Synopsis of Life, Death & Rebirth (Vida, muerte y renacer) (2015)

When earth's rotation became so slow that the world fell into an eternal night, thousands of bunkers were built to protect the people from the death that darkness brought to the world. This is the story of a dog and his family suffering the last sunset of a land that goes into complete darkness, a young couple losing their only child when they get trapped in a bunker, and a woman seeing the sun only between dreams, while she survives to the actual darkness of the world. Different families will face what was, is and will be to live and die in the world when time itself comes to an end.

Direction Luis Enrique Vanegas

Cast Andrés Sandoval · Marisol Correa Vega · Jimmy Vasquez

Soundtrack David Saldarriaga

Screenplay Luis Enrique Vanegas · Juan Diego Escobar Alzate

Cinematography Rodrigo Lalinde

Original title Vida, muerte y renacer

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