Rônin-gai (1990)

1990 · Movie · 117 min. · Japan

Rônin-gai (1990)

It is a small rural village whose main attraction is a brothel where the towns people gather for drinks and joviality at day's end. This generally seems to result in much head-knocking and pitiful sword flailing as the poverty-stricken ronin fuel their depression and anger with warm sake. Bull, the brothel's bouncer whose good-natured ferocity clearly makes him the right man for the job. He secretly loves Obun, the cheerful and hard-working sister of another ronin who has taken up the smelly business of bird-breeding in order to survive.

Direction Kazuo Kuroki

Cast Yoshio Harada · Kanako Higuchi · Shintarô Katsu

Soundtrack Teizo Matsumura

Screenplay Itarô Yamagami · Kazuo Kasahara

Cinematography Hitoshi Takaiwa

Original title Rônin-gai

Where to watch Rônin-gai (1990)?

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