Puss in Boots (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985)

1985 · Movie · 54 min. · United States

Synopsis of Puss in Boots (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985)

Puss (All That Jazz's/Roots' Ben Vereen proves to be one clever cat in this retelling of the Brothers Grimm tale Puss In Boots. In return for some finery and boots, Puss tells his Lowly Master (Will And Grace's/Waiting To Exhale's Gregory Hines) he'll share his plan for bringing him wealth and prestige beyond his wildest dreams. It all sounds good, except that Puss doesn't actually have a plan. Outfitted in his new duds, Puss has to think fast on his paws to hold up his end of the bargain and make a match between his Master and the lovely Princess Lovinia (The Wild Thornberrys Movie's Alfre Woodard). But does the plan take into account resistance from a large, not-so-friendly Ogre?

Direction Robert Iscove

Cast Ben Vereen · Alfre Woodard · Gregory Hines · Brock Peters · Tony Cox · Stan Haze · Shelley Duvall

Soundtrack Stephen Barber

Screenplay Rod Ash · Charles Perrault

Original title Puss in Boots (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV)

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