Switched Before Birth (TV) (2021)
2021 · Movie · 87 min. · United States

Synopsis of Switched Before Birth (TV) (2021)
Switched Before Birth follows Olivia Crawford and her husband Brian, who after multiple miscarriages, numerous failed IVF trials and stretching themselves to the limit financially, finally receive the joyous news that she’s pregnant with twins. While going through her latest round of IVF, Oliva meets and becomes fast friends with Anna Ramirez, who is struggling to have a child after years of focusing on her successful restaurants. When Anna becomes pregnant as well, the ladies celebrate and begin to prepare for their babies. Olivia is also there for Anna when she suffers a devastating miscarriage and struggles to move forward while her marriage to restaurateur Gabe Ramirez crumbles. When Olivia and Brian finally welcome their twins Olivia’s life feels complete, but the happy couple’s world is turned upside down when they discover that not only are the babies not twins, but one of the babies is also biologically Anna and Gabe’s that was implanted into Olivia by mistake.
Direction Elisabeth Röhm
Cast Yancey Arias · Doug Budin · Charles Green · Justina Machado · Celeste Oliva · Michael Rose · Skyler Samuels · Alex Sgambati · Jerri Tubbs · Ajay Vishwanathan · Bo Yokely · Kurt Yue
Soundtrack Ozzy Doniz
Screenplay Kelly Fullerton
Original title Switched Before Birth
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