Sabotage (1936)

1936 · Movie · 76 min. · United Kingdom

Oskar Homolka plays a London movie-theatre owner who maintains a secret life as a paid terrorist. Homolka's wife Sylvia Sidney doesn't suspect Homolka of any wrongdoing, but she's picked up enough second-hand information about her husband's activities to arouse the interest of government agent (John Loder). Posing as a grocer, Loder moves next door to the Homolkas, befriending Sidney and her precocious young brother Desmond Tester. Sensing that he's being watched, Homolka sends Tester out to deliver a reel of film. The reel contains a time bomb, but Homolka is certain that the boy will deliver his package on time and will be safely away by the time the bomb explodes. Thus begins one of Hitchcock's most electrifying suspense sequences, as the unsuspecting boy is delayed en route to his destination. Sabotage was based on Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent; the film was retitled A Woman Alone in the US.

Direction Alfred Hitchcock

Cast Sylvia Sidney · Oskar Homolka · Desmond Tester · John Loder · Joyce Barbour · Matthew Boulton · S.J. Warmington · William Dewhurst

Soundtrack Louis Levy

Screenplay Charles Bennett · Joseph Conrad

Cinematography Bernard Knowles

Original title Sabotage (The Woman Alone)

Also known as I Married a Murderer

Where to watch Sabotage (1936)?

If you are wondering where to watch Sabotage (1936), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Sabotage (1936) online on Max. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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