Illicit Dreams
1994 · Movie · 93 min. · United States
Moira is married to an abusive husband, who is constantly having affairs with his patients. Meanwhile, she always dreams of running into a bedroom where Richard is waiting for her, and they always end up making love. Moira visits an astrologer to interpret her dreams, and is always brought a shy close to Richard, but never really realizing it. One day, she visits the house in her dreams, where Richard is working. They both become captivated with each other, go back to Richard's place, and have an affair. Her husband discovers this, gets jealous, and tries to hurt her, but Richard saves them.
Direction Andrew Stevens
Cast Andrew Stevens · Shannon Tweed · Joseph Cortese · Michelle Johnson · Brad Blaisdell · Stella Stevens · Rochelle Swanson · Dave Carlton
Soundtrack Claude Gaudette
Screenplay Karen Kelly
Cinematography Christian Sebaldt
Original title Illicit Dreams
27 votes (FilmAffinity)
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