The Cricket (2013)

2013 · Movie · 82 min. · Argentina

The Cricket (2013)

In a land-locked city in Argentina, summer is hot and humid. Two women have just started to live together in a house that traps them, shelters them, and keeps them away from the outside world. The yard does not have a swimming pool, just deck chairs under the shade of two walnut trees. Busy bees buzz and the constant chirping of the cricket announces a weather change. The rooms of the house are cool but too dark to remain there the whole summer. Only now and then does another person walk into the house: he is a lover that helps with the gardening. One of the women is a well-known underground theater actor who is rehearsing a monolog for her next presentation. The other woman spends her time looking for her exotic cat and remembering her late husband. The storm comes and leaves the air clean and fresh, but the insect has come into the house to stay. The emergence of a terminal illness finds the women trying to have a fresh start in the place.

Direction Matías Herrera Córdoba

Cast María Pessacq · Galia Kohan · Martín Rena

Soundtrack Angela Tullida

Screenplay Matías Herrera Córdoba

Cinematography Ezequiel Salinas

Original title El grillo

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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