A Cure for Pokeritis (S) (1912)

1912 · Movie · 13 min. · United States

A Cure for Pokeritis (S) (1912)

Mr. Brown loves to play poker, but he usually loses. After another losing night of cards, he promises his wife that he'll never play again, but then one of his friends helps him pretend that he is just going to club meetings on Wednesday nights. When Mrs. Brown figures out what he has been up to, she and her cousin come up with a plan that they hope will cure Mr. Brown of his poker playing once and for all.

Direction Laurence Trimble

Cast John Bunny · Flora Finch · Leah Baird · Charles Eldridge · William R. Dunn · Arthur Rosson · James Morrison · Rose Tapley · Harry T. Morey · Tom Powers

Original title A Cure for Pokeritis (S)

Where to watch A Cure for Pokeritis (S) (1912)?

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Unfortunately, A Cure for Pokeritis (S) (1912) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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