Family Diary (1962)

1962 · Movie · 109 min. · Italy

A touching story of brothers raised apart and then brought together under tragic circumstances, this drama by Valerio Zurlini remains true to Vasco Pratolini's novel. Told in a series of flashbacks as Enrico (Marcello Mastroianni) remembers the past, the brothers are separated after their mother dies. Enrico is raised by a humble guardian who works as a butler, his brother Lorenzo (Jacques Perrin) is taken in by a grandmother who gives him all he wants or needs. Enrico grows up to become a hard-working journalist, spending most of his time in Rome. Lorenzo is a young idealist living in Florence with no real need to work. The brothers rarely see each other, but when they finally meet after an extended absence, Lorenzo is gravely ill and dying.

Direction Valerio Zurlini

Cast Marcello Mastroianni · Jacques Perrin · Valeria Ciangottini · Salvo Randone · Sylvie · Serena Vergano · Marco Guglielmi

Soundtrack Goffredo Petrassi

Screenplay Valerio Zurlini · Mario Missiroli · Vasco Pratolini

Cinematography Giuseppe Rotunno

Original title Cronaca familiare

Also known as Family Portrait

Where to watch Family Diary (1962)?

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Unfortunately, Family Diary (1962) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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