Walking to Paris (2020)
2020 · Movie · Italy

Synopsis of Walking to Paris (2020)
The twenty-seven-year-old Romanian sculptor Constantin Brâncusi walked from Bucharest to Paris in 1903 and 1904 as a preparation and prelude to becoming the most important sculptor of the twentieth century. Brancusi leaves his small village of Hobita, south of the Carpathian Mountains and walks through Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and parts of France to arrive in Paris, the metropolis of world culture for the first three decades of the 1900s.
Direction Peter Greenaway
Cast Carla Juri · Remo Girone · Emun Elliott · Paolo Bernardini · Andrea Scarduzio · Manuela Biedermann · Anina Mutter · Marcello Mazzarella · Andrea Zirio · Anthony Souter · Jacopo Uccella
Soundtrack Marco Robino
Screenplay Peter Greenaway
Cinematography Paolo Carnera · Fabio Paolucci · Reinier van Brummelen
Original title Walking to Paris
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