The Corsairs (1971)

1971 · Movie · 102 min. · Spain

The Corsairs (1971)

Isabella, the beautiful daughter of the viceroy of a Caribbean island is in danger after the death of her father. Her evil cousin wants the throne for himself and is determined to get rid of her. Luckily, a bunch of pirates, led by the handsome adventurer Alan Drake shipwreck at the island and help the young princess.

Direction Ferdinando Baldi

Cast Dean Reed · Alberto de Mendoza · Annabella Incontrera · Paca Gabaldón · Tomás Blanco · Florinda Chico

Soundtrack Nico Fidenco

Screenplay Federico De Urrutia · Mario di Nardo

Cinematography Rafael Pacheco

Original title Los corsarios

Where to watch The Corsairs (1971)?

If you are wondering where to watch The Corsairs (1971), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, The Corsairs (1971) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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