Camino A Damasco (S) (2022)

2022 · Movie · 10 min. · Spain

Camino A Damasco (S) (2022)

Candela and Pepa are two gardeners from the Almudena cemetery in Madrid. They are on a break, smoking and hanging out. The conversation between them revolves around Pepa's hangover from last night's party and because she ran into Santi, her ex-boyfriend. That conversation and Raimundo's visit to his wife's grave make Pepa experience a revelation: if she doesn't radically stop seeing Santi, they will be together again not out of love but out of sheer inertia.

Direction Enio Mejía

Cast Anna Castillo · Greta Fernández · Juan Meseguer

Soundtrack Israel Fernández · Najwa Nimri

Screenplay Inés Sánchez

Cinematography Kike Glez

Original title Camino a Damasco

Where to watch Camino A Damasco (S) (2022)?

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Unfortunately, Camino A Damasco (S) (2022) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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