Maleficarum (2011)

2011 · Movie · 102 min. · Bolivia

Maleficarum (2011)

Maleficarum is the story of Francisca, a wealthy orphan and Mariana, her widowed protestant friend, who live surrounded by a town in which they are the center of hostile gossip. Francisco Verdugo, the Inquisitor, has his own ambitions. He has his greedy eyes on the orphan heiress's properties, but he needs a pretext. A confrontation in the street among a group of girls gives him the perfect excuse to arrest Mariana and Francisca and enchain them in the horror chambers of the Inquisition, leading them to a frightful end as they are convicted of witchcraft.

Direction Jac Avila

Cast Amy Hesketh · Mila Joya · Roberto Lopez · Alejandro Loayza · Eric Calancha · Erik Antoine · Maria Esther Arteaga · Omar Aldayuz

Screenplay Jac Avila

Cinematography Miguel Inti Canedo

Original title Maleficarum

Where to watch Maleficarum (2011)?

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Unfortunately, Maleficarum (2011) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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