The Three Little Pigs (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985)

1985 · Movie · 50 min. · United States

In this hilarious retelling of the classic fairy tale, three little pigs find out that if you take the time to build a solid foundation, you're able to withstand anything - even a very strong, huffing-and-puffing wolf! When their mother (Everyone Loves Raymond's Doris Roberts) tells them it's time to leave home, three pig brothers set out to build homes of their own. One uses straw, one uses sticks, but the littlest pig (Monsters Inc.'s/Analyze This'/When Harry Met Sally's Billy Crystal) takes the time to construct a sturdy brick house. Which proves to be a smart idea - especially when a cigar-chomping wolf (Independence Day's/Jurassic Park's/The Big Chill's Jeff Goldblum) is sent by his wife to find a pig for dinner!

Direction Howard Storm

Cast Billy Crystal · Stephen Furst · Jeff Goldblum · Larry Hankin · Brandis Kemp · Valerie Perrine · Doris Roberts · Fred Willard

Soundtrack Stephen Barber

Screenplay Bruce Franklin Singer

Original title The Three Little Pigs (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV)

Where to watch The Three Little Pigs (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985)?

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Unfortunately, The Three Little Pigs (Faerie Tale Theatre Series) (TV) (1985) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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