The Man in the Attic (TV) (1995)

1995 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

The Man in the Attic (TV) (1995)

Based on the work of history “Sex and the Criminal Minds” by Norman Winski, written upon true facts. The story inspired both a feature film “The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom” (1969-Shirley MacLaine) and this made for TV movie. Krista Heldmann, the lonely wife of a workaholic wealthy textile manufacturer, breaks her sewing machine and her husband sends Edward to repair it, a young man who works in one of his factories. First they become friends and soon lovers. They meet clandestinely at Edward’s boarding room or at a nearby hotel. They also arranged trysts at Krista’s home but the frequent comings and goings of Edward are being noticed by the neighbors. One day Mr. Heldmann returns home earlier and Krista asks Edward to hide in the attic. Edward is supposed to leave during the night but the next day she finds him still hiding there. Krista suggests Edward that he quits his job and secretly moves into the attic to allay any further suspicions. He readily agrees to the arrangement. Not only would this put him in closer proximity to his lover but it would also give him time to pursue his dream of drawing. Krista lets her new lover stay in the attic for years, managing to keep it all secret from her husband.

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Unfortunately, The Man in the Attic (TV) (1995) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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