Klondike Annie (1936)
1936 · Movie · 80 min. · United States

Synopsis of Klondike Annie (1936)
Mae West plays Rose Carlton, the kept woman of Chan Lo (Harold Huber), who takes her from walking the streets to pacing the floors of her high rent apartment. Rose ends up killing Chan and beats it from San Francisco to the frozen north. She boards a ship where burly sea captain Bull Brackett (McLaglen) takes a shine to her; when he finds out she killed Chan, he blackmails her into coming up and seeing him sometime. Boarding the ship in Seattle is missionary Annie Alden (Helen Jerome Eddy), who dies on the way to Alaska. Rose assumes Annie's identity and, upon arrival in Alaska proceeds to preach the Good Book, saving sinners by unorthodox methods. Mountie Jack Forrest (Philip Reed) arrives in town searching for Chan's murderer and he falls in love with Rose, unaware that the woman he loves is the killer he seeks.
Direction Raoul Walsh
Cast Mae West · Victor McLaglen · Harry Beresford · Soo Yong · Phillip Reed · Helen Jerome Eddy · Lucile Gleason · Harold Huber
Soundtrack John Leipold · Tom Satterfield · Victor Young
Screenplay Marion Morgan · George B. Dowell · Mae West · Frank Mitchell Dazey
Cinematography George T. Clemens
Original title Klondike Annie
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