Twice Upon a Time (2006)

2006 · Movie · 92 min. · France

Thirty years ago they were lovers. Their affair fascinated a nation. Louis was a director and Alice was his muse. Then came the breakup It too, was public and painful. They have not met since. But Alice, who has established herself as a first lady of English theatre is asked to present Louis with a lifetime achievement award. She is married and has a son and a dog that snores....but the game is on again....delightfully.

Direction Antoine de Caunes

Cast Jean Rochefort · Charlotte Rampling · Isabelle Nanty · Ian Richardson · Simon Kunz · James Thiérrée · Boy George · Charles Dance

Soundtrack Steve Nieve

Screenplay Antoine de Caunes

Cinematography Pierre Aïm

Original title Désaccord Parfait

Where to watch Twice Upon a Time (2006)?

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Unfortunately, Twice Upon a Time (2006) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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