The Tower of Silence (1925)

1925 · Movie · 91 min. · Germany

The Tower of Silence (1925)

Eva lives in the sinister Tower with her father, a mad inventor, and her grandfather. The aviator Wilfred Durian and his lovely wife live nearby in the town. But Durian's famous flight across the Australian desert was not all it seems... and when his 'dead' partner Arved Holl is rescued by Eva and comes to claim his former fiancée's hand, the whole house of cards is about to come tumbling down. Meanwhile, Eva's own family history is not quite as she had always believed...

Direction Johannes Guter

Cast Xenia Desni · Nigel Barrie · Hanna Ralph · Fritz Delius · Abraham Morewski · Gustav Oberg · Hermann Leffler · Philipp Manning · Jenny Jugo

Screenplay Curt J. Braun

Cinematography Günther Rittau

Original title Der Turm des Schweigens

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