The Haunting (1963)

1963 · Movie · 112 min. · United Kingdom

Dr. Markway, doing research to prove the existence of ghosts, investigates Hill House, a large, eerie mansion with a lurid history of violent death and insanity. With him are the skeptical young Luke, who stands to inherit the house, the mysterious and clairvoyant Theodora and the insecure Eleanor, whose psychic abilities make her feel somehow attuned to whatever spirits inhabit the old mansion. As time goes by it becomes obvious that they have gotten more than they bargained for as the ghostly presence in the house manifests itself in horrific and deadly ways.

Direction Robert Wise

Cast Julie Harris · Claire Bloom · Richard Johnson · Russ Tamblyn · Fay Compton · Rosalie Crutchley · Lois Maxwell · Valentine Dyall

Soundtrack Humphrey Searle

Screenplay Nelson Gidding · Shirley Jackson

Cinematography Davis Boulton

Original title The Haunting

Where to watch The Haunting (1963)?

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Unfortunately, The Haunting (1963) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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