Storm Warning (2007)

2007 · Movie · 82 min. · Australia

On a weekend boating excursion, husband and wife, Rob and Pia become lost in a heavy storm and end up in the most unlikely place - a desolate swamp surrounded by thick forest. With their boat in disarray their only solution is to look for help or seek shelter of some kind. They finally come across a decrepit house and barn with no one home. However, there are definite signs of the house being inhabited, and the enormous crop of marijuana in the barn suggests the homeowners may not welcome their presence. Even worse, there is no telephone or means of communication to the outside world. But when the deranged, redneck owners, Brett, Jimmy and their even more terrifying father Poppy return, Rob and Pia realize a fear far beyond anything they have ever known, and resentful of the affluent intruders, the monstrously sadistic hillbillies imprison and enslave the couple, who fearing for their lives, submit to appalling degradation and humiliation. When Rob and Pia learn their kidnappers have no intention of ever letting them go alive, they finally understand they must do whatever it takes just to survive, and whatever it takes means going to a limit they could never have imagined... STORM WARNING is directed by internationally renowned horror maestro, Jamie Blanks, whose debut film URBAN LEGEND grossed in excess of US $100 Million world wide. STORM WARNING sees the local director return home to create a visceral, gore drenched odyssey that will terrify millions around the world yet again.

Direction Jamie Blanks

Cast Nadia Fares · Robert Taylor · John Brumpton · David Lyons · Mathew Wilkinson · Jonathan Oldham

Soundtrack Jamie Blanks

Screenplay Everett De Roche

Cinematography Karl von Moller

Original title Storm Warning

Where to watch Storm Warning (2007)?

If you are wondering where to watch Storm Warning (2007), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Storm Warning (2007) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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