Soigne ton gauche (S) (1936)

1936 · Movie · 12 min. · France

Soigne ton gauche (S) (1936)

A boxer is out in the country with his entourage, training for his next fight. Meanwhile, on the farm nearby, Roger is neglecting his chores. As he watches the boxer and his sparring partners at work, Roger starts to fantasize about being a boxer himself. Then, when none of the boxer's sparring partners can continue, he is asked to fill in, although he doesn't know anything about how to box.

Direction René Clément

Cast Jacques Tati · Max Martel · Louis Robur · Jean Aurel · Champel · Van der Haegen

Soundtrack Jean Yatove

Screenplay Jacques Tati · Jean-Marie Huard

Original title Soigne ton gauche (S)

Where to watch Soigne ton gauche (S) (1936)?

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Unfortunately, Soigne ton gauche (S) (1936) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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