Shadows (Umbre) (TV Series) (2014)
2014 · Series · 45 min. · Romania
Synopsis of Shadows (Umbre) (TV Series) (2014)
TV Series (2014-Present). 3 Seasons. Relu Oncescu (Serban Pavlu) is a rugged family man and Bucharest taxi driver who leads a double life as a mafia debt collector. As Relu struggles to balance both his family and mob duties, one incident leads to the undoing of his carefully crafted life. Relu has two children and a wife. No one suspects that Relu works as a collector for Capitanu', a local mobster. Neither of the two worlds (his family and the mafia) knows of the other's existence. Relu manages to keep everything under control, but not for long. After accidentally killing a man, he tries to get out of the underworld, but he can't find his way back. Day by day, the secrets he keeps become increasingly oppressive and the lies begin to surface, one by one... Adapted from the Australian crime miniseries 'Small Time Gangster'.
Direction Bogdan Mirica · Igor Cobileanski
Cast Serban Pavlu · Maria Obretin · Stefan Velniciuc · Andreea Vasile · Dan Hurduc
Soundtrack Adam Balazs
Screenplay Bogdan Mirica
Cinematography Andrei Butica
Original title Umbre (Shadows) (TV Series)
Also known as Umbre
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Is Shadows (Umbre) (TV Series) (2014) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
Many users search for whether Shadows (Umbre) (TV Series) (2014) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. In United States, Shadows (Umbre) (TV Series) (2014) is available on Max. Here are some tips to enjoy it like a true movie pro:
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