Snooze Time (S) (2012)

2012 · Movie · 7 min. · New Zealand

Snooze Time (S) (2012)

Evie struggles to come to terms with the funny and sometimes painful discrepancies between measured-time and time as she really experiences it. From the agonizing Morning After-Time to the merely annoying Snooze-Time. As Evie's life progresses her experience of time gets even more confusing. The significant events in her early life become more distant until she arrives at the Contradiction-Time of old age: the days seem to creep by, but oddly, Christmas comes around faster each year. It becomes clear that time is playing it's cruelest trick of all: it's running out.

Direction Ivan Barge

Cast Lisa Harrow · Amber Rhodes · Craig Walsh-Wrightson · Fraser Brown

Screenplay Matt Harris

Cinematography Andrew Stroud

Original title Snooze Time (S)

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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