Doomwatch (TV Series) (1970)

1970 · Series · 50 min. · United Kingdom

Doomwatch (TV Series) (1970)

Doomwatch is the nickname for the Department of Measurement of Scientific Work. Under the leadership of Nobel Prize winning physicist, Dr. Spencer Quist, the Doomwatch team struggled to keep an eye on the environment and supervise government and private sector research in an attempt to prevent pollution and other disasters that might be caused by the misuse of new scientific developments, discoveries and technology.

Direction Darrol Blake · Jonathan Alwyn · Lennie Mayne

Cast John Paul · Joby Blanshard · Simon Oates · Vivien Sherrard · John Barron · Robert Powell

Soundtrack Max Harris

Screenplay Gerry Davis · Kit Pedler

Original title Doomwatch (TV Series)

Where to watch Doomwatch (TV Series) (1970)?

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Unfortunately, Doomwatch (TV Series) (1970) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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