Lagun y la resistencia frente a ETA (2019)
2019 · Movie · 60 min. · Spain
Synopsis of Lagun y la resistencia frente a ETA (2019)
The history of the Lagun bookstore in San Sebastián is a demonstration of democratic value and struggle for freedom. Since its foundation in 1968 by María Teresa Castells, José Ramón Rekalde and Ignacio Latierro, he suffered Franco's repression. Already in democracy, the continuous aggressions, including arson, that sought to silence that oasis of freedom arrived from the ETA environment. But Lagun's drivers were not alone. Many men and women of the Basque Country, from civil society, rebelled against the terrorists. The documentary wants to be a tribute to those who always defended freedom and never, in danger of their lives, gave in to violence.
Direction Belén Verdugo
Cast Ignacio Latierro · Luis Castells · Ramón Saizarbitoria · Fernando Savater
Screenplay José María Izquierdo · Luis R. Aizpeolea
Cinematography Iván Sánchez
Original title Lagun y la resistencia frente a ETA
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