Captains of the Sands (2011)
2011 · Movie · 96 min. · Brazil

Synopsis of Captains of the Sands (2011)
Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, alive with the charm of the 1950s, A gang of street kids known as "Capitães da Areia" are hunted like common criminals. As we draw closer, we see that they are just children, almost a hundred of them, completely abandoned. But they won't be children for long: by the end of this odyssey, many will have become men. A year in the lives of these boys, in which they have incredible adventures, the most wonderful dreams, visit hell, discover sex, death, freedom!
Direction Cecília Amado · Guy Gonçalves
Cast Jean Luis Amorim · Ana Graciela · Roberio Lima · Israel Gouvea · Paulo Abade · Marinho Gonçalves · Ana Cecília Costa · Jussilene Santana
Soundtrack Carlinhos Brown
Screenplay Cecília Amado · Hilton Lacerda · Jorge Amado
Cinematography Guy Gonçalves
Original title Capitães da Areia
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